14/04/2021. The automation of internal logistics is among the priorities of many of the large industrial companies. No wonder, logistics costs are increasing and they do not add any value to the product. This automation with mobile robots (AGVs or AMRs), in addition to other benefits, allows the reduction of significant operating costs. Before continuing, has any company really carried this out? The truth is that yes, but it is not something that is generally made known since it is a competitive advantage. Let's have a look at two examples.

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16/03/2021. The automation of outdoor flows has always been the goose that lays the golden eggs of internal logistics. Let us bear in mind that outdoor flows are usually long and that as in the rest of the logistics, the driver does not add any value to the product. In fact, the only thing the driver does is just that: drive. The sectors that can be favored by the automation of these intralogistics flows range from mining to the manufacturing of large components.

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17/02/2021. Ecommerce has come to our lives to stay and it is based on flexible logistics (very quickly updates) and efficient (in time and costs). Years ago, Amazon surprised the world with the application of a new order picking technology: AGVs. Why is it common to decide on this solution and not another? What does the AGVs solution provide compared to others?

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01/12/2021. Until recently, Mr. Ford's assembly line had undergone little change since its invention, but the truth is that consumer habits have given line assembly a major turn lately. What changes are we talking about? How has the assembly line adapted to these changes? What technologies have been applied?

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